
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

2011 was filled with so many good things...and bad. Such is every year. I'm glad for a new year to begin-a clean slate. I started the new year off today on such a positive note. About 4 years ago we had a bit of a feud in our family. Since then I've been hurt, angry, withdrawn and finally to the point where it didn't matter to me anymore. All I wanted was reconciliation. I wanted to be with my family, to love them and feel their love. I prayed and prayed. I got impatient because God wasn't working fast enough for me. Today...New Year's Day 2012...we finally met and the healing began. Lots of words exchanged, lots of tears shed. It's funny how we can misinterperate and how small hills grow into huge mountains. Satan is good at that. Today we (with God ) beat him. My verse for today is Hebrews 12:14 Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.

I encourage you, if you have issues, problems in your life, to persist. God doesn't want strife and discord in our lives. Pray continually. He won't fail you and He won't forget. My problem was being impatient. Now I realize that God's timing is perfect. Happy new year 2012! May you be blessed!

1 comment:

Grace at Home said...

Tammy, thank you for sharing this story. It's my story too, only we are in the midst of the hurt. Your words give me hope that reconciliation will come for us as well. Hope you and your lovely girls are well.